How to Get Rid of Additional Tax Season Stress!

If you suffer from never knowing your numbers… if you wait until the April 14th to figure out your Profit & Loss for the April 15th tax deadline… if you are wondering where the heck all the profit or money is in your business… then this message is just for you. Here’s why… I am going to teach you how to do your own bookkeeping using QBO. I will show you how to keep your bookkeeping up to date with only an hour a week using all the tricks and tools that bookkeepers use. And you need to realize, there is a cost to not dealing with this…

What you will get from this course?

This 4-hour course is valued at over $596 if you had one on one QB Training with Kristin. Content is broken up over 27 modules to do on your own time and to re-watch when you need to. You get lifetime access to this course. Cost is only $149!

  • Learn how to set up your QBO company properly.

  • Learn how to do your Chart of Accounts correctly.

  • Learn how to set up your products & services correctly.

  • Reports - How to read them and how to make better business decisions

  • Accounts Receivable - Invoicing & Receive Payments - Sales Receipts

  • Vendor Refunds - Refund Receipts - Credit MemosBank

  • Accounts Payable - Create Bills & Bill Pay - Cutting Checks

  • Learn how to correctly do Bank Feeds

  • Learn how to reconcile your bank and credit card accounts

  • And So Much More!

If You Ignore It, It Just Gets Worse

What most people do when facing the pain of doing their own bookkeeping is doing it all at once (spending a week or more) right before their taxes are due. But for most people, none of that works. 

  • They lose receipts, and expenses to deduct on their tax return, resulting in having to pay more in taxes.
  • They have no idea if they made a profit or a loss during the year, and are unprepared if they owe money on their tax return. 
  • They have no idea if they made a profit on a job/client, and if they need to increase their rates.

     And what happens if you just do nothing? If you just keep doing what you’ve been doing? There is a really good chance, your business will fail. All the time, money, and effort will end up like other small businesses. Do you really want to be a part of the 50% of small businesses that fail within the first five years?

It's Decision Time

You have a choice to make: Do what you’ve been doing (or worse, do nothing at all). You know where that will lead. Is that really where you want to go? Take a new action, and get a new result. Finally get to know what your numbers are. Are you making a profit in your business? Are you spending too much in an area? Do you need to raise your prices? Fire a client? Negotiate with your vendors? Be ready for tax season!!! 


Which do you really want for yourself? Here’s what to do now… Click the “Buy” button. You will enter in your name, email address (you will use this every time you log in), and create a password. Then, click the “Sign Up” button. Then, you will enter your credit card number, and click “Purchase”. You will receive an email right away with the receipt and the website to start learning. Right away, you can “Start Learning”. When you finish each course, it will show completed, and you can move on to the next lesson, stop, or come back to it when you have time.

It's Decision Time

You have a choice to make: Do What You've Been doing... Or Take Action.

Meet the Instructor


Kristin Gunderson

I have been certified in QuickBooks Online for 6 years, but have experience of 13+ years. I have been holding QuickBooks Online classes since 2014. I have helped 200+ business owners with their QuickBooks.

Customer Feedback

Eileen Jones

"Everything is laid out pretty simple. Easy to Follow instructions and explanations. I think this training would be good for first time users or for those that have been using QBO to see if there is anything they are not familiar with."

Kim Davis

"The videos are high quality and works well. I like the fact that the screen is shared and that you can see Kristin and the QuickBooks website at the same time. The audio works well."

Peggy Garner

"The videos were helpful to understand where to find things in your version."

Paul Gowin

I started working with Kristin ahead of the pandemic and because of her approach in helping me understand my money, I emerged from 2020 debt free even after experiencing a significant revenue loss. I meet with her monthly to review my numbers and to ensure I STOP WHAT I’M DOING TO UNDERSTAND THEM. She also does not hesitate to break out some good old fashioned Texas whoop @$$ to get my attention.

Megan Anderson

I took Gunderson's Bookkeeping's 6 week QB course and learned so much that I could take immediate action of the finances in my business (and personal life) and really take hold of what we could accomplish! I recommend to anyone who is using QB to not only take this course but have a discussion with Kristin and her team to make sure you are on the right track for financial success!

What You Will Learn In This Course

  • 1

    Module 1 - Welcome, Let's Get Started!

    • Welcome Message From Kristin

    • Welcome Message from Emilee

    • QuickBooks Online - Manual

    • QuickBooks Desktop - Manual (This is for customers still on the Desktop Version)

    • Section 1.0 | Getting Started - Dashboard Overview

    • Section 1.1 | Choosing your QuickBooks Online Subscription

    • Module 1 Quiz

  • 2

    Module 2 - Setup Your New QuickBooks Online Company

    • Section 2.0 | Setting Up Your Company

    • Section 2.1 | Products and Sales Settings

    • Section 2.2 | Advanced Settings

    • Module 2 Quiz

  • 3

    Module 3 - Managing Users, Sales Tax and Reports

    • Section 3.1 | Managing Users

    • Section 3.2 | Chart of Accounts

    • Section 3.3 | Sales Tax, Products and Services

    • Section 3.4 | Reports

    • Module 3 Quiz

  • 4

    Module 4 - Accounts Receivable

    • Section 4.0 | Accounts Receivable

    • Section 4.1 | Credit Memos and Statements

    • Module 4 Quiz

  • 5

    Module 5 - Accounts Payable

    • Section 5.0 | Vendor Center

    • Section 5.1 | Issuing Vendor Credits

    • Section 5.2 | Bill Pay, Merging Vendors and Cutting Checks

    • Section 5.3 | Statements, Printing Checks, Expense Categories

    • Section 5.4 | Business Tip: Preventing Fraud

    • Module 5 Quiz

  • 6

    Module 6 - Bank & Credit Card Accounts

    • Section 6.0 | Banking

    • Bonus Material - QBO Business vs Accountant View. (Optional)

    • Bonus Material - Adding Bank Transactions Setting up Bank Feeds (optional)

    • Module 6 Quiz

  • 7


    • Congratulations, you're done!

What are you waiting for?

Do you really want to go another tax season without being prepared? Not knowing if you will owe Uncle Sam, or if you will get money back? What if you could have had your bookkeeping done before hand, so that you could make educated decisions that will benefit your tax wise? Stop delaying - it's time to start working ON your business so that you can start GROWING your business!